Financing is education in Madrasah Aliyah Al Haq paid with perpetual charity based on the ability of parents and and sincere to her. Financing education in MA Al Haq category very light once and reached by all levels of society: poor economics and poor, medium and economically viable and capable. All Teacher council upright all teach science and technology. Even many students whose parents are not able / willing to pay the cost of education to be free tuition until they graduate. Number of students exempted categories of education is very poor and the poor as much as 90% of the total number of students MA Al Haq.
Kamis, 20 Juni 2013
Learning system in use in MA Al Haq
Learning system in use at Al Haq variety of innovative teaching methods, creative and fun. So that the students feel at home studying, most theories given in class and outside of class that is in the field or in the workshop as well as the practice of apprenticeship in the world of work in a variety of industries and business. So that graduating students have an entrepreneurial spirit and experience of business.
نظام التعلم المستخدمة في مؤسسة الحق متنوعة من أساليب التدريس المبتكرة والإبداعية والمرح. بحيث يشعر الطلاب الذين يدرسون في المنزل، ومعظم النظريات تعطى في الصف وخارج الطبقة التي هي في الحقل أو في ورشة العمل، فضلا عن ممارسة التلمذة الصناعية في عالم العمل في مجموعة متنوعة من الصناعات والأعمال. حتى يتمكن الطلاب المتخرجين لديهم روح المبادرة والخبرة في الأعمال التجارية
Aktivitas siswa MA melaksnkan Kagiatan pembelajaran koding htm dan php

The innovative English language learning program is in conjunction with Ngo India Cashmere so that it is easily understood and accepted by ...
Aktivitas siswa MA melaksnkan Kagiatan pembelajaran koding htm dan php
The visit of the head of the curiuculum section at the infrastructure facility of the Religion Ministry of East Java Province an...