Minggu, 29 Desember 2019
Kamis, 26 Desember 2019
A skills teacher workshop in the Indonesian Ministry of Religion in the East Java province was held in Bojonegoro
Vocational teachers of Madrasah Aliyah Al Haq skills attend workshops in improving competency in skills in the field of engineering so that madrasas aliyah al haq are more advanced in the field of engineering.

Mr. Imam Syafi'i, the head of curriculum and infrastructure, is giving guidance to the headmaster and teacher of skills at the Madrasah aliyah level in East Java to be more innovative and creative.
Mr.Umar as Director General of Islamic Education in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has opened a workshop and provided guidance, guidance to vocational teachers in Madrasah Aliyah in East Java in Bojonegoro
Photo session with the Director General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Jakarta Head of Madrasah Education, Head of Curriculum-Infrastructure Ministry of Religion of East Java Province, Head of Head of Ministry of Religion, Head of Madrasah Education in Bojonegoro Regency and Participants in the Madrasa Aliyah Teacher Training in Bojonegoro
The visit the Indonesian Ministry of Religion of the East Java province to Madrasah Aliyah Al Haq
The visit the Indonesian Ministry of Religion of the East Java province to Madrasah Aliyah in order to verify and assess the implementation of the vocational-skills program.
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Together with the head of the Republican Religion curriculum and infrastructure
East Java province with the Madrasah Aliyah Al Haq teacher council
Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019
The innovative English language learning program is in conjunction with Ngo India Cashmere
The innovative English language learning program is in conjunction with Ngo India Cashmere so that it is easily understood and accepted by students

Please look at on the far left are Mr. Muhammad Hanif, Mr. Nashohah, Mrs. Zubaidah, Mr. Yusril Amal and Mrs.Tafrika
Jumat, 06 Desember 2019
The head of the Madrasah education section of the Banyuwangi Ministry of Religion gave a briefing and carried out the performance evaluation of the head of the Madrasah aliyah Al Haq
On Thursday, December 4, 2019. the performance evaluation of the head of Madrasah Aliyah was conducted and the test was conducted by the Head of Madrasah Education Section, Drs.H.Zaenal Abidin, S.Ag, M.Ag, Madrasah Supervisor: Dra. Temuk Siti Mariyam, M.Pd, Hj.Suhaikah, S.Pd. M.Pd chairman of the social education foundation al haq: Drs. Imam Ihya chairman of the committee, committee secretary Siti Muawanah, S.Ag teacher: Zubaidah, S.Ag..Eliyawati Alsabet, S.Pd and education personnel: Tafrika, S.Pd and Yusril Amal, S.Pd
The program starts at 8,000 to finish showing 12.00 hours western Indonesia with a cumulative assessment of 85.65 (pretty good predicate)
Aktivitas siswa MA melaksnkan Kagiatan pembelajaran koding htm dan php

The innovative English language learning program is in conjunction with Ngo India Cashmere so that it is easily understood and accepted by ...
Aktivitas siswa MA melaksnkan Kagiatan pembelajaran koding htm dan php
The visit of the head of the curiuculum section at the infrastructure facility of the Religion Ministry of East Java Province an...