On Thursday, December 4, 2019. the performance evaluation of the head of Madrasah Aliyah was conducted and the test was conducted by the Head of Madrasah Education Section, Drs.H.Zaenal Abidin, S.Ag, M.Ag, Madrasah Supervisor: Dra. Temuk Siti Mariyam, M.Pd, Hj.Suhaikah, S.Pd. M.Pd chairman of the social education foundation al haq: Drs. Imam Ihya chairman of the committee, committee secretary Siti Muawanah, S.Ag teacher: Zubaidah, S.Ag..Eliyawati Alsabet, S.Pd and education personnel: Tafrika, S.Pd and Yusril Amal, S.Pd
The program starts at 8,000 to finish showing 12.00 hours western Indonesia with a cumulative assessment of 85.65 (pretty good predicate)